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Example and Test of valvector Base Requirements


This only covers that valvector Features Implemented Here .

Source Code

# include <cppad/example/valvector/class.hpp>
// base_require
bool base_require(void)
{  // ok
   bool ok = true;
   // x, y
   valvector x, y;
   // ok
   x = valvector(2.5);
   int integer_x = CppAD::Integer(x);
   ok &= integer_x == 2;
   // ok
   valvector nan = CppAD::numeric_limits<valvector>::quiet_NaN();
   ok &= CppAD::isnan( nan );
   // ok
   x = valvector( {1, 2} );
   std::string string_x = CppAD::to_string( x );
   std::string s;
   for(auto itr = string_x.begin(); itr != string_x.end(); ++itr)
      if( *itr != ' ')
         s.push_back( *itr );
   ok &= s == "{1,2}";
   // ok
   x   = valvector( {1, 2} );
   y   = valvector( {1.0, 2.0} );
   ok &= CppAD::EqualOpSeq(x, y);
   // ok
   ok &= CppAD::IdenticalCon(x);
   ok &= ! CppAD::IdenticalZero(x);
   ok &= ! CppAD::IdenticalOne(x);
   ok &= CppAD::IdenticalEqualCon(x, y);
   x   = valvector( {0.0, 0.0} );
   ok &= CppAD::IdenticalZero(x);
   return ok;