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Including Adolc Examples and Tests

Adolc Home Page


CppAD includes examples and tests that can use the AD package Adolc. The includes speed comparison with other AD packages; see speed_adolc . It also includes examples that combine Adolc with CppAD; see


If Adolc is installed on your system, you can specify include_adolc=true on the cmake command line. The value of PKG_CONFIG_PATH must be such that the command

pkg-config adolc --path --print-errors

finds the location of the file adolc.pc . Note that CppAD assumes adolc has been configured with its sparse matrix computations enabled; i.e, using

--with-colpack = adolc_prefix

In other words ColPack is installed and with the same prefix as ACOL-C; see .


If you specify include_adolc on the cmake command line, you will be able to run the Adolc examples listed above by executing the following commands starting in the Distribution Directory :

      cd build/example
      make check_example

If you do this, you will see an indication that the examples mul_level_adolc and mul_level_adolc_ode have passed their correctness check.

Speed Tests

If you include adolc_prefix on the cmake command line, you will be able to run the Adolc speed correctness tests by executing the following commands starting in the Distribution Directory :

      cd build/speed/adolc
      make check_speed_adolc

After executing make check_speed_adolc , you can run a specific Adolc speed tests by executing the command ./speed_adolc ; see speed_main for the meaning of the command line options to this program.


If you are using Unix, you may have to add adolc_prefix to LD_LIBRARY_PATH . For example, if you use the bash shell to run your programs, you could include

      LD_LIBRARY_PATH = adolc_prefix / lib:$ { LD_LIBRARY_PATH }
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH

in your $HOME/.bashrc file.


If you are using Cygwin, you may have to add to following lines to the file .bashrc in your home directory:

      PATH = adolc_prefix / bin:$ { PATH }
      export PATH

in order for Adolc to run properly. If adolc_prefix begins with a disk specification, you must use the Cygwin format for the disk specification. For example, if d:/adolc_base is the proper directory, /cygdrive/d/adolc_base should be used for adolc_prefix .


If you are using Unix, you can download and install a copy of Adolc using . The corresponding install prefix is build/prefix .