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Use Ipopt to Solve a Nonlinear Programming Problem


# include <cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp>
ipopt::solve (
      options , xi , xl , xu , gl , gu , fg_eval , solution


The function ipopt::solve solves nonlinear programming problems of the form

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{rll} {\rm minimize} & f (x) \\ {\rm subject \; to} & gl \leq g(x) \leq gu \\ & xl \leq x \leq xu \end{array}\end{split}\]

This is done using Ipopt optimizer and CppAD for the derivative and sparsity calculations.

Include File

If include_ipopt is on the cmake command line, the file cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp is included by cppad/cppad.hpp . Otherwise, cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp can be included directly (If cppad/cppad.hpp has not yet been included, cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp will automatically include it.)


The type Bvector must be a SimpleVector class with elements of type bool .


The type DVector must be a SimpleVector class with elements of type double .


The argument options has prototype

const std::string options

It contains a list of options. Each option, including the last option, is terminated by the '\n' character. Each line consists of two or three tokens separated by one or more spaces.


You can set the retape flag with the following syntax:

Retape value

If the value is true , ipopt::solve with retape the operation sequence for each new value of x . If the value is false , ipopt::solve will tape the operation sequence at the value of xi and use that sequence for the entire optimization process. The default value is false .


You can set the sparse Jacobian and Hessian flag with the following syntax:

Sparse value direction

If the value is true , ipopt::solve will use a sparse matrix representation for the computation of Jacobians and Hessians. Otherwise, it will use a full matrix representation for these calculations. The default for value is false . If sparse is true, retape must be false.

It is unclear if sparse_jacobian would be faster user forward or reverse mode so you are able to choose the direction. If

value == true && direction == forward

the Jacobians will be calculated using SparseJacobianForward . If

value == true && direction == reverse

the Jacobians will be calculated using SparseJacobianReverse .


You can set any Ipopt string option using a line with the following syntax:

String name value

Here name is any valid Ipopt string option and value is its setting.


You can set any Ipopt numeric option using a line with the following syntax:

Numeric name value

Here name is any valid Ipopt numeric option and value is its setting.


You can set any Ipopt integer option using a line with the following syntax:

Integer name value

Here name is any valid Ipopt integer option and value is its setting.


The argument xi has prototype

const Vector & xi

and its size is equal to nx . It specifies the initial point where Ipopt starts the optimization process.


The argument xl has prototype

const Vector & xl

and its size is equal to nx . It specifies the lower limits for the argument in the optimization problem.


The argument xu has prototype

const Vector & xu

and its size is equal to nx . It specifies the upper limits for the argument in the optimization problem.


The argument gl has prototype

const Vector & gl

and its size is equal to ng . It specifies the lower limits for the constraints in the optimization problem.


The argument gu has prototype

const Vector & gu

and its size is equal to ng . It specifies the upper limits for the constraints in the optimization problem.


The argument fg_eval has prototype

FG_eval fg_eval

where the class FG_eval is unspecified except for the fact that it supports the syntax

      FG_eval :: ADvector
      fg_eval ( fg , x )

The type ADvector and the arguments to fg , x have the following meaning:


The type FG_eval :: ADvector must be a SimpleVector class with elements of type AD<double> .


The fg_eval argument x has prototype

const ADvector & x

where nx = x . size () .


The fg_eval argument fg has prototype

ADvector & fg

where 1 + ng = fg . size () . The input value of the elements of fg does not matter. Upon return from fg_eval ,

fg [0] =

\(f (x)\)

and for \(i = 0, \ldots , ng-1\),

fg [1 + i ] =

\(g_i (x)\)


The argument solution has prototype

ipopt::solve_result< Dvector >& solution

After the optimization process is completed, solution contains the following information:


The status field of solution has prototype

ipopt::solve_result< Dvector >:: status_type solution . status

It is the final Ipopt status for the optimizer. Here is a list of the possible values for the status:




The optimizer did not return a final status for this problem.


The status returned by the optimizer is not defined in the Ipopt documentation for finalize_solution .


Algorithm terminated successfully at a point satisfying the convergence tolerances (see Ipopt options).


The maximum number of iterations was exceeded (see Ipopt options).


Algorithm terminated because progress was very slow.


Algorithm stopped at a point that was converged, not to the ‘desired’ tolerances, but to ‘acceptable’ tolerances (see Ipopt options).


Algorithm converged to a non-feasible point (problem may have no solution).


This return value should not happen.


It the iterates are diverging.


Restoration phase failed, algorithm doesn’t know how to proceed.


An unrecoverable error occurred while Ipopt tried to compute the search direction.


Algorithm received an invalid number (such as nan or inf ) from the users function fg_info . eval or from the CppAD evaluations of its derivatives (see the Ipopt option check_derivatives_for_naninf ).


An unknown Ipopt internal error occurred. Contact the Ipopt authors through the mailing list.


The x field of solution has prototype

Vector solution . x

and its size is equal to nx . It is the final \(x\) value for the optimizer.


The zl field of solution has prototype

Vector solution . zl

and its size is equal to nx . It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the lower bounds on \(x\).


The zu field of solution has prototype

Vector solution . zu

and its size is equal to nx . It is the final Lagrange multipliers for the upper bounds on \(x\).


The g field of solution has prototype

Vector solution . g

and its size is equal to ng . It is the final value for the constraint function \(g(x)\).


The lambda field of solution has prototype

Vector > solution . lambda

and its size is equal to ng . It is the final value for the Lagrange multipliers corresponding to the constraint function.


The obj_value field of solution has prototype

double solution . obj_value

It is the final value of the objective function \(f(x)\).


All the examples return true if it succeeds and false otherwise.


The file example/ipopt_solve/get_started.cpp is an example and test of ipopt::solve taken from the Ipopt manual.


The file example/ipopt_solve/retape.cpp demonstrates when it is necessary to specify Retape as true.


The file example/ipopt_solve/ode_inverse.cpp demonstrates using Ipopt to solve for parameters in an ODE model.