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Atomic Functions with Dynamic Parameters: Example and Test


This example demonstrates using dynamic parameters with an atomic_four function.


For this example, the atomic function \(g : \B{R}^3 \rightarrow \B{R}^3\) is defined by \(g_0 (x) = x_0 * x_ 0\), \(g_1 (x) = x_0 * x_ 1\), \(g_2 (x) = x_1 * x_ 2\).

Define Atomic Function

// empty namespace
namespace {
   // atomic_dynamic
   class atomic_dynamic : public CppAD::atomic_four<double> {
      atomic_dynamic(const std::string& name) :
      { }
      // for_type
      bool for_type(
      size_t                                     call_id     ,
      const CppAD::vector<CppAD::ad_type_enum>&  type_x      ,
      CppAD::vector<CppAD::ad_type_enum>&        type_y      ) override
      {  assert( call_id == 0 );       // default value
         assert( type_x.size() == 3 ); // n
         assert( type_y.size() == 3 ); // m
         // type_y
         type_y[0] = type_x[0];
         type_y[1] = std::max( type_x[0], type_x[1] );
         type_y[2] = std::max( type_x[1], type_x[2] );
         return true;
      // forward
      bool forward(
         size_t                        call_id      ,
         const CppAD::vector<bool>&    select_y     ,
         size_t                        order_low    ,
         size_t                        order_up     ,
         const CppAD::vector<double>&  taylor_x     ,
         CppAD::vector<double>&        taylor_y     ) override
# ifndef NDEBUG
         size_t q = order_up + 1;
         size_t n = taylor_x.size() / q;
         size_t m = taylor_y.size() / q;
         assert( n == 3 );
         assert( m == 3 );
# endif
         // ok
         bool ok = order_low == 0 && order_up == 0;
         if( ! ok )
            return ok;
         // taylor_y[0] = g_0 = x_0 * x_0
         if( select_y[0] )
            taylor_y[0] = taylor_x[0] * taylor_x[0];
         // taylor_y[1] = g_1 = x_0 * x_1
         if( select_y[1] )
            taylor_y[1] = taylor_x[0] * taylor_x[1];
         // taylor_y[2] = g_2 = x_1 * x_2
         if( select_y[2] )
            taylor_y[2] = taylor_x[1] * taylor_x[2];
         return ok;

Use Atomic Function

bool dynamic(void)
{  // ok, eps
   bool ok = true;
   double eps = 10. * CppAD::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
   // afun
   atomic_dynamic afun("atomic_dynamic");
   // c, p, u
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double) c(1), p(1), u(1);
   c[0] = 2.0;
   p[0] = 3.0;
   u[0] = 4.0;
   // np, nu, ny
   size_t np = 1;
   size_t nu = 1;
   size_t nx = 3;
   size_t ny = 3;
   // ap
   // indepndent dynamic parameter vector
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR( CppAD::AD<double> ) ap(np);
   ap[0] = p[0];
   // au
   // independent variable vector
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR( CppAD::AD<double> ) au(nu);
   au[0] = u[0];
   // Independent
   CppAD::Independent(au, ap);
   // ay
   // y = ( c * c, c * p, p * x )
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR( CppAD::AD<double> ) ax(nx), ay(ny);
   ax[0] = c[0];  // x_0
   ax[1] = ap[0]; // x_1
   ax[2] = au[0]; // x_2
   afun(ax, ay);
   // ay
   // check type of result
   ok &= Constant( ay[0] );
   ok &= Dynamic(  ay[1] );
   ok &= Variable( ay[2] );
   // f
   // f(u) = (c * c, c * p, p * u)
   CppAD::ADFun<double> f;
   f.Dependent (au, ay);
   // ay[0]
   double check = c[0] * c[0];
   ok &= CppAD::NearEqual( Value(ay[0]) , check,  eps, eps);
   // ay[1]
   check = c[0] * p[0];
   ok &= CppAD::NearEqual( Value(ay[1]) , check,  eps, eps);
   // ay[2]
   check = p[0] * u[0];
   ok &= CppAD::NearEqual( Value(ay[2]) , check,  eps, eps);
   // y = f.Foward(0, u)
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(double) y(ny);
   y     = f.Forward(0, u);
   check = c[0] * c[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[0] , check,  eps, eps);
   check = c[0] * p[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[1] , check,  eps, eps);
   check = p[0] * u[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[2] , check,  eps, eps);
   // p
   p[0]   = 2.0 * p[0];
   // y = f.Foward(0, u)
   y     = f.Forward(0, u);
   check = c[0] * c[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[0] , check,  eps, eps);
   check = c[0] * p[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[1] , check,  eps, eps);
   check = p[0] * u[0];
   ok    &= CppAD::NearEqual(y[2] , check,  eps, eps);
   return ok;