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Atomic Matrix Multiply Forward Type Calculation: Example Implementation


The for_type routine overrides the virtual functions used by the atomic_four base; see for_type .


# include <cppad/example/atomic_four/mat_mul/mat_mul.hpp>

// for_type override
template <class Base>
bool atomic_mat_mul<Base>::for_type(
   size_t                                     call_id     ,
   const CppAD::vector<CppAD::ad_type_enum>&  type_x      ,
   CppAD::vector<CppAD::ad_type_enum>&        type_y      )
   // n_left, n_middle, n_right
   size_t n_left, n_middle, n_right;
   get(call_id, n_left, n_middle, n_right);
# ifndef NDEBUG
   // n, m
   size_t n     = type_x.size();
   size_t m     = type_y.size();
   // check sizes
   assert( n == n_left * n_middle + n_middle * n_right );
   assert( m == n_left * n_right );
# endif
   // offset
   size_t offset = n_left * n_middle;
   // type_y
   // y[ i * n_right + j] = sum_k
   //      x[i * n_middle + k] * x[ offset + k * n_right + j]
   // treat multpilication by zero like absolute zero
   for(size_t i = 0; i < n_left; ++i)
   {  for(size_t j = 0; j < n_right; ++j)
      {  CppAD::ad_type_enum type_ij = CppAD::identical_zero_enum;
         for(size_t k = 0; k < n_middle; ++k)
         {  CppAD::ad_type_enum type_ik = type_x[i * n_middle + k];
            CppAD::ad_type_enum type_kj = type_x[offset + k * n_right + j];
            if( type_ik != identical_zero_enum )
            {  if( type_kj != identical_zero_enum )
               {  type_ij = std::max(type_ij, type_ik);
                  type_ij = std::max(type_ij, type_kj);
         type_y[ i * n_right + j] = type_ij;
   return true;