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abs_normal: Minimize a Linear Abs-normal Approximation


ok = abs_min_quad (
      level , n , m , s ,
      g_hat , g_jac , hessian , bound , epsilon , maxitr , delta_x


template <class DblVector, class SizeVector>
bool abs_min_quad(
   size_t            level   ,
   size_t            n       ,
   size_t            m       ,
   size_t            s       ,
   const DblVector&  g_hat   ,
   const DblVector&  g_jac   ,
   const DblVector&  hessian ,
   const DblVector&  bound   ,
   const DblVector&  epsilon ,
   const SizeVector& maxitr  ,
   DblVector&        delta_x )


This following is a link to the source code for this example: abs_min_quad.hpp .


We are given a point \(\hat{x} \in \B{R}^n\) and use the notation \(\tilde{f} (x)\) for the abs-normal approximation for f(x) near \(\hat{x}\). We are also given a vector \(b \in \B{R}_+^n\) and a positive definite matrix \(H \in \B{R}^{n \times n}\). This routine solves the problem

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lll} \R{minimize} & \Delta x^T H \Delta x / 2 + \tilde{f}( \hat{x} + \Delta x ) & \R{w.r.t} \; \Delta x \in \B{R}^n \\ \R{subject \; to} & | \Delta x_j | \leq b_j & j = 0 , \ldots , n-1 \end{array}\end{split}\]


is a SimpleVector class with elements of type double .


is a SimpleVector class with elements of type size_t .


We use the notation f for the original function; see f .


This value is less that or equal 3. If level == 0 , no tracing of the optimization is printed. If level >= 1 , a trace of each iteration of abs_min_quad is printed. If level >= 2 , a trace of the qp_box sub-problem is printed. If level >= 3 , a trace of the qp_interior sub-problem is printed.


This is the dimension of the domain space for f ; see n .


This is the dimension of the range space for f ; see m . This must be one so that \(f\) is an objective function.


This is the number of absolute value terms in f ; see s .


We use the notation g for the abs-normal representation of f ; see g .


This vector has size m + s and is the value of g ( x , u ) at \(x = \hat{x}\) and \(u = a( \hat{x} )\).


This vector has size ( m + s ) * ( n + s ) and is the Jacobian of \(g(x, u)\) at \(x = \hat{x}\) and \(u = a( \hat{x} )\).


This vector has size n * n . It is a row-major representation of the matrix \(H \in \B{R}^{n \times n}\).


This vector has size n and is the vector \(b \in \B{R}^n\). The trust region is defined as the set of \(\Delta x\) such that

\[| \Delta x | \leq b_j\]

for \(j = 0 , \ldots , n-1\).


The value epsilon [0] is convergence criteria in terms of the infinity norm of the difference of delta_x between iterations. The value epsilon [1] is convergence criteria in terms of the derivative of the objective; i.e.

\[\Delta x^T H \Delta x / 2 + \tilde{f}( \hat{x} + \Delta x)\]


This is a vector with size 2. The value maxitr [0] is the maximum number of abs_min_quad iterations to try before giving up on convergence. The value maxitr [1] is the maximum number of iterations in the qp_interior sub-problems.


This vector \(\Delta x\) has size n . The input value of its elements does not matter. Upon return, the approximate minimizer of the objective with respect to the trust region.



We use the notation

\[\sigma (x) = \R{sign} ( z[ x , a(x) ] )\]

where a(x) and z(x, u) are as defined in the abs-normal representation of \(f(x)\).

Cutting Planes

At each iteration, we are given affine functions \(p_k (x)\) such that \(p_k ( x_k ) = \tilde{f}( x_k )\) and \(p_k^{(1)} ( x_k )\) is the derivative \(\tilde{f}^{(1)} ( x_k )\) corresponding to \(\sigma ( x_k )\).


At iteration \(k\), we solve the problem

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{lll} \R{minimize} & \Delta x^T H \Delta x / 2 + \max \{ p_k ( \hat{x} + \Delta x) \W{:} k = 0 , \ldots , K-1 \} & \R{w.r.t} \; \Delta x \\ \R{subject \; to} & - b \leq \Delta x \leq + b \end{array}\end{split}\]

The solution is the new point \(x_K\) at which the new affine approximation \(p_K (x)\) is constructed. This process is iterated until the difference \(x_K - x_{K-1}\) is small enough.


The file abs_min_quad.cpp contains an example and test of abs_min_quad .