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CppAD API Preprocessor Symbols


The CppAD include files defines preprocessor symbols all of which begin with CPPAD_ . Note that there are some old, deprecated preprocessor symbols that begin with CppAD . In this section we list all of the CppAD preprocessor symbols that are part of the CppAD Application Interface (API).

NOMINMAX, windows.h

There is one exception to the rule above, when using the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler and including windows.h , it is done as follows:

# ifndef NOMINMAX
# define NOMINMAX
# endif
# include <windows.h>

Documented Here


Deprecated 2020-12-03: This preprocessor symbol was used for a null pointer before c++11. Replace it by nullptr .


Is a const char* representation of this version of CppAD.


Deprecated 2020-12-03: Is it OK for CppAD to use C++11 features. This is always 1 (for true).


Is it OK for CppAD to use C++17 features.

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