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Determinant of a Minor


# include <cppad/speed/det_of_minor.hpp>
d = det_of_minor ( a , m , n , r , c )


template <class Scalar>
Scalar det_of_minor(
   const std::vector<Scalar>&      a  ,
   size_t                          m  ,
   size_t                          n  ,
   std::vector<size_t>&            r  ,
   std::vector<size_t>&            c  )
{  assert( a.size() == m * m );
   assert( r.size() == m + 1 );
   assert( c.size() == m + 1 );


The template function det_of_minor is defined in the CppAD namespace by including the file cppad/speed/det_of_minor.hpp .


This template function returns the determinant of a minor of the matrix \(A\) using expansion by minors. This template function is for example and testing purposes only. Expansion by minors is chosen as an example because it uses a lot of floating point operations yet does not require much source code (on the order of m factorial floating point operations and about 100 lines of source code including comments). This is not an efficient method for computing a determinant; for example, using an LU factorization would be faster.


The elements of the \(n \times n\) minor \(M\) of the matrix \(A\) are defined, for \(i = 0 , \ldots , n-1\) and \(j = 0 , \ldots , n-1\), by

\[M_{i,j} = A_{R(i), C(j)}\]

where the functions \(R(i)\) is defined by the argument r and \(C(j)\) is defined by the argument c .

Determinant of A

If the following conditions hold, the minor is the entire matrix \(A\) and hence det_of_minor will return the determinant of \(A\):

  1. \(n = m\).

  2. for \(i = 0 , \ldots , m-1\), \(r[i] = i+1\), and \(r[m] = 0\).

  3. for \(j = 0 , \ldots , m-1\), \(c[j] = j+1\), and \(c[m] = 0\).


This is the type of the elements of a . If x and y are Scalar objects, the type Scalar must support the following operations:



Result Type

Scalar (0)

constructor for Scalar object equal to zero


x = y

set value of x to current value of y

x + y

value of x plus y


x - y

value of x minus y


x * y

value of x times value of y



The elements of the \(m \times m\) matrix \(A\) are defined, for \(i = 0 , \ldots , m-1\) and \(j = 0 , \ldots , m-1\), by

\[A_{i,j} = a[ i * m + j]\]


This is the number of rows (and columns) in the square matrix \(A\).


This is the number of rows (and columns) in the square minor \(M\).


This defines the function \(R(i)\) which specifies the rows of the minor \(M\). To be specific, the function \(R(i)\) for \(i = 1, \ldots , n-1\) is defined by

\begin{eqnarray} R(0) & = & r[m] \\ R(i) & = & r[ R(i-1) ] \end{eqnarray}

All the elements of r have value less than or equal m ; \(R(i) < m\) and \(r[ R(n-1) ] = m\) . The elements of vector r are modified during the computation, and restored to their original value before the return from det_of_minor .


This defines the function \(C(i)\) which specifies the columns of the minor \(M\). To be specific, the function \(C(i)\) for \(j = 1, \ldots , n-1\) is defined by

\begin{eqnarray} C(0) & = & c[m] \\ C(j) & = & c[ C(j-1) ] \end{eqnarray}

All the elements of c must have value less than or equal m ; \(C(j) < m\) and \(c[ C(n-1) ] = m\) . The elements of vector c are modified during the computation, and restored to their original value before the return from det_of_minor .


The return value d is equal to the determinant of the minor \(M\).


The file det_of_minor.cpp contains an example and test of det_of_minor.hpp .

Source Code

The file det_of_minor.hpp contains the source for this template function.