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Release Notes for 2023



Fix link in Software Engineering paragraph.


Change the CPPAD_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE compiler flag to the cmake cppad_debug_and_release configuration flag. This changed the default behavior for compiling the CppAD library so that it allows for mixing debug and release code.


  1. Add the cppad_static_lib option to the install.

  2. Fix warning (on some newer compilers) when a vectorBool constructor specified the number of elements using a signed integer.


Add max_digits10 to the AD numeric limits. If you define your own Base type, and you do not use the CPPAD_NUMERIC_LIMITS macro, you will have to add max_digits10 to your Base type’s numeric limits.


  1. There was a bug in the to_csrc compare_change argument. To be specific, it was not adding to the input value but rather reporting the number of changes during a call. This has been fixed and demonstrated in the jit_compare_change.cpp example.

  2. A Warning !! was added to the documentation for function pointers created by the dll linker. (This fact did not stand out as much in the previous documentation.)


  1. The parallel_ad routine was missing some initializations. This has been fixed. In addition, a list of Other Initialization , that must be initialized before using in parallel mode, was included in the documentation.

  2. There was a bug introduce on 06-20 when the val_graph branch was merged into the master. To be more specific, if cppad_tape_addr_type was size_t , a compile error occurred one of the is_pod definitions. This has been fixed.


The cmake_build_type option was changed to not be case sensitive; e.g., you can now use debug or Debug for this option.


Add the cumulative summation operator to the to_csrc conversion. The cumulative summation operator can occur during optimization. Not having this operator seemed like a bug when NDEBUG was true because one got no warning that the operator did not get converted.


Add the CppAD vector Comparison operators and size with Value constructor.


  1. Add unsigned int as a valid type for the CppAD vector Size Constructor and resize argument.

  2. Merge in the val_graph Branch:

    1. Add val_graph to the list of possible optimizer options.

    2. Add the val_graph option to the speed tests. This option has been implemented with all of the speed_cppad tests.

    3. Simplify atomic_four_lin_ode_rev_depend.cpp and add m to the atomic_four_lin_ode_rev_depend.cpp@Problem Parameters that can be changed.

    4. Fix the title of the Atomic Linear ODE: Example Implementation section.

    5. Change all the atomic_four examples that use optimize to include the val_graph option.


Change the cppad_det_minor.cpp speed test to use the no_cumulative_sum_op optimization option (because it is faster for this case).


  1. The autotools configure script has been replaced by configure which just maps the configure script interface to the cmake interface. The corresponding autotools files were removed.

  2. In some cases there was a problem linking the adolc library to the speed_adolc tests. This has been fixed.


Add links to Generator, cppad.spec, and xrst in the CppAD install instructions.


Fix a warning form the Trilinos Kokkos package when including sacado_prefix on the cmake command line.


The cmake_needs_dot_slash symbol was removed from the cmake command line. It was a kludge for msys2 systems. The proper fix is to use

   pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake

( not use pacman -S cmake ) to install cmake on an msys2 system.


There was an error building the old version of the sacado library using get_sacado.sh with g++-13.1.1. This has been fixed by advancing to trilinos-14-0-0 and patching one of its include files; see trilinos issue 11923 .


Fix uintptr_t not defined (on some systems) by adding the following before using it: # include <cstdint> .


Remove the unnecessary include directory /usr/include from the speed_cppad_jit speed tests. This was including multiple versions of some system include files on the msys system.


Extend the CppAD::vector CppAD::vectorBool template classes so that the resize argument can be an int (this was causing a warning with the clang++ compiler). Also extend vectorBool so that any index type, that can be converted to size_t, can be used to access elements (whithout a clang++ warning).


Extend index_sort so that the ind vector can have elements of any integral type.


There were some problems running cmake_check when include_ipopt was true (and certain combination of other cmake options). This has been fixed.


A Discrete function is now initialized by the CPPAD_DISCRETE_FUNCITON macro instead of later the first time it is used.


The atomic four rev_depend argument ident_zero_x was not catching all the identically zero values. This has been fixed. It was not a bug but was not as efficient when an atomic four function used this information to reduce the work.


Merge in pull request 168. This fixes an issue with link_dll_lib on windows when building with unicode.


The following atomic four rev_depend problems have been fixed.

  1. The atomic four ident_zero_x argument can be used to reduce the number of depend_x (not depend_y) values.

  2. The ident_zero_x argument should have been const in the prototype.

  3. The atomic_four_vector and atomic_four_mat_mul examples used the Deprecated 2022-05-10 version of the rev_depend callback; i.e., the one without the ident_zero_x argument.


Fix a problem with the documentation conversion on 12-16 of 2022. To be specific: name_1< name_2 > was converted to name_1 < name_2 >


The Initializer Constructor was added to the CppAD::vector template class.


Print an error message and exit from the cmake command when a package_prefix does not contain any include directories or libraries.