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CppAD Assertions During Execution


CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN ( exp , msg )



These CppAD macros are used to detect and report errors. They are documented here because they correspond to the C++ source code that the error is reported at.


If the preprocessor symbol NDEBUG is defined, these macros do nothing; i.e., they are optimized out.


The CppAD user should not uses these macros. You can however write your own macros that do not begin with CPPAD and that call the CppAD error handler .


The CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN macro is used to check for an error with a known cause. For example, many CppAD routines uses these macros to make sure their arguments conform to their specifications.


The CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN macro is used to check that the CppAD internal data structures conform as expected. If this is not the case, CppAD does not know why the error has occurred; for example, the user may have written past the end of an allocated array.


The argument exp is a C++ source code expression that results in a bool value that should be true. If it is false, an error has occurred. This expression may be execute any number of times (including zero times) so it must have not side effects.


The argument msg has prototype

const char * msg

and contains a '\0' terminated character string. This string is a description of the error corresponding to exp being false.

Error Handler

These macros use the CppAD error handler to report errors. This error handler can be replaced by the user.