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Hessian of Lagrangian and ADFun Default Constructor: Example and Test

# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
# include <cassert>

namespace {
   CppAD::AD<double> Lagragian(
      const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<double> > &xyz )
   {  using CppAD::AD;
      assert( xyz.size() == 6 );

      AD<double> x0 = xyz[0];
      AD<double> x1 = xyz[1];
      AD<double> x2 = xyz[2];
      AD<double> y0 = xyz[3];
      AD<double> y1 = xyz[4];
      AD<double> z  = xyz[5];

      // compute objective function
      AD<double> f = x0 * x0;
      // compute constraint functions
      AD<double> g0 = 1. + 2.*x1 + 3.*x2;
      AD<double> g1 = log( x0 * x2 );
      // compute the Lagragian
      AD<double> L = y0 * g0 + y1 * g1 + z * f;

      return L;

   CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<double> > fg(
      const CppAD::vector< CppAD::AD<double> > &x )
   {  using CppAD::AD;
      using CppAD::vector;
      assert( x.size() == 3 );

      vector< AD<double> > fg(3);
      fg[0] = x[0] * x[0];
      fg[1] = 1. + 2. * x[1] + 3. * x[2];
      fg[2] = log( x[0] * x[2] );

      return fg;
   bool CheckHessian(
   CppAD::vector<double> H ,
   double x0, double x1, double x2, double y0, double y1, double z )
   {  using CppAD::NearEqual;
      double eps99 = 99.0 * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
      bool ok  = true;
      size_t n = 3;
      assert( H.size() == n * n );
      L   =    z*x0*x0 + y0*(1 + 2*x1 + 3*x2) + y1*log(x0*x2)

      L_0 = 2 * z * x0 + y1 / x0
      L_1 = y0 * 2
      L_2 = y0 * 3 + y1 / x2
      // L_00 = 2 * z - y1 / ( x0 * x0 )
      double check = 2. * z - y1 / (x0 * x0);
      ok &= NearEqual(H[0 * n + 0], check, eps99, eps99);
      // L_01 = L_10 = 0
      ok &= NearEqual(H[0 * n + 1], 0., eps99, eps99);
      ok &= NearEqual(H[1 * n + 0], 0., eps99, eps99);
      // L_02 = L_20 = 0
      ok &= NearEqual(H[0 * n + 2], 0., eps99, eps99);
      ok &= NearEqual(H[2 * n + 0], 0., eps99, eps99);
      // L_11 = 0
      ok &= NearEqual(H[1 * n + 1], 0., eps99, eps99);
      // L_12 = L_21 = 0
      ok &= NearEqual(H[1 * n + 2], 0., eps99, eps99);
      ok &= NearEqual(H[2 * n + 1], 0., eps99, eps99);
      // L_22 = - y1 / (x2 * x2)
      check = - y1 / (x2 * x2);
      ok &= NearEqual(H[2 * n + 2], check, eps99, eps99);

      return ok;
   bool UseL()
   {  using CppAD::AD;
      using CppAD::vector;

      // double values corresponding to x, y, and z vectors
      double x0(.5), x1(1e3), x2(1), y0(2.), y1(3.), z(4.);

      // domain space vector
      size_t n = 3;
      vector< AD<double> >  a_x(n);
      a_x[0] = x0;
      a_x[1] = x1;
      a_x[2] = x2;

      // declare a_x as independent variable vector and start recording

      // vector including x, y, and z
      vector< AD<double> > a_xyz(n + 2 + 1);
      a_xyz[0] = a_x[0];
      a_xyz[1] = a_x[1];
      a_xyz[2] = a_x[2];
      a_xyz[3] = y0;
      a_xyz[4] = y1;
      a_xyz[5] = z;

      // range space vector
      size_t m = 1;
      vector< AD<double> >  a_L(m);
      a_L[0] = Lagragian(a_xyz);

      // create K: x -> L and stop tape recording.
      // Use default ADFun construction for example purposes.
      CppAD::ADFun<double> K;
      K.Dependent(a_x, a_L);

      // Operation sequence corresponding to K depends on
      // value of y0, y1, and z. Must redo calculations above when
      // y0, y1, or z changes.

      // declare independent variable vector and Hessian
      vector<double> x(n);
      vector<double> H( n * n );

      // point at which we are computing the Hessian
      // (must redo calculations below each time x changes)
      x[0] = x0;
      x[1] = x1;
      x[2] = x2;
      H = K.Hessian(x, 0);

      // check this Hessian calculation
      return CheckHessian(H, x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, z);
   bool Usefg()
   {  using CppAD::AD;
      using CppAD::vector;

      // parameters defining problem
      double x0(.5), x1(1e3), x2(1), y0(2.), y1(3.), z(4.);

      // domain space vector
      size_t n = 3;
      vector< AD<double> >  a_x(n);
      a_x[0] = x0;
      a_x[1] = x1;
      a_x[2] = x2;

      // declare a_x as independent variable vector and start recording

      // range space vector
      size_t m = 3;
      vector< AD<double> >  a_fg(m);
      a_fg = fg(a_x);

      // create K: x -> fg and stop tape recording
      CppAD::ADFun<double> K;
      K.Dependent(a_x, a_fg);

      // Operation sequence corresponding to K does not depend on
      // value of x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, or z.

      // forward and reverse mode arguments and results
      vector<double> x(n);
      vector<double> H( n * n );
      vector<double>  dx(n);
      vector<double>   w(m);
      vector<double>  dw(2*n);

      // compute Hessian at this value of x
      // (must redo calculations below each time x changes)
      x[0] = x0;
      x[1] = x1;
      x[2] = x2;
      K.Forward(0, x);

      // set weights to Lagrange multiplier values
      // (must redo calculations below each time y0, y1, or z changes)
      w[0] = z;
      w[1] = y0;
      w[2] = y1;

      // initialize dx as zero
      size_t i, j;
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
         dx[i] = 0.;
      // loop over components of x
      for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
      {  dx[i] = 1.;             // dx is i-th elementary vector
         K.Forward(1, dx);       // partial w.r.t dx
         dw = K.Reverse(2, w);   // deritavtive of partial
         for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
            H[ i * n + j ] = dw[ j * 2 + 1 ];
         dx[i] = 0.;             // dx is zero vector

      // check this Hessian calculation
      return CheckHessian(H, x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, z);

bool HesLagrangian(void)
{  bool ok = true;

   // UseL is simpler, but must retape every time that y of z changes
   ok     &= UseL();

   // Usefg does not need to retape unless operation sequence changes
   ok     &= Usefg();
   return ok;