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Evaluate a Function That Has a Sparse Jacobian


# include <cppad/speed/sparse_jac_fun.hpp>

sparse_jac_fun ( m , n , x , row , col , p , fp )


This routine evaluates \(f(x)\) and \(f^{(1)} (x)\) where the Jacobian \(f^{(1)} (x)\) is sparse. The function \(f : \B{R}^n \rightarrow \B{R}^m\) only depends on the size and contents of the index vectors row and col . The non-zero entries in the Jacobian of this function have one of the following forms:

\[\D{ f[row[k]]}{x[col[k]]}\]

for some \(k\) between zero and \(K-1\). All the other terms of the Jacobian are zero.


The template function sparse_jac_fun is defined in the CppAD namespace by including the file cppad/speed/sparse_jac_fun.hpp (relative to the CppAD distribution directory).


The type Float must be a NumericType . In addition, if y and z are Float objects,

y = exp ( z )

must set the y equal the exponential of z , i.e., the derivative of y with respect to z is equal to y .


The type FloatVector is any SimpleVector , or it can be a raw pointer, with elements of type Float .


The argument n has prototype

size_t n

It specifies the dimension for the domain space for \(f(x)\).


The argument m has prototype

size_t m

It specifies the dimension for the range space for \(f(x)\).


The argument x has prototype

const FloatVector & x

It contains the argument value for which the function, or its derivative, is being evaluated. We use \(n\) to denote the size of the vector x .


The argument row has prototype

const CppAD::vector<size_t>& row

It specifies indices in the range of \(f(x)\) for non-zero components of the Jacobian (see Purpose above). The value \(K\) is defined by K = row . size () . All the elements of row must be between zero and m -1 .


The argument col has prototype

const CppAD::vector<size_t>& col

and its size must be \(K\); i.e., the same as row . It specifies the component of \(x\) for the non-zero Jacobian terms. All the elements of col must be between zero and n -1 .


The argument p has prototype

size_t p

It is either zero or one and specifies the order of the derivative of \(f\) that is being evaluated, i.e., \(f^{(p)} (x)\) is evaluated.


The argument fp has prototype

FloatVector & fp

If p = 0 , it size is m otherwise its size is K . The input value of the elements of fp does not matter.


If p is zero, fp has size \(m\) and ( fp [0], … , fp [ m -1 ]) is the value of \(f(x)\).


If p is one, fp has size K and for \(k = 0 , \ldots , K-1\),

\[\D{f[ \R{row}[i] ]}{x[ \R{col}[j] ]} = fp [k]\]


The file sparse_jac_fun.cpp contains an example and test of sparse_jac_fun.hpp .

Source Code

The file sparse_jac_fun.hpp contains the source code for this template function.