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Allocate An Array and Call Default Constructor for its Elements


array = thread_alloc::create_array< Type >( size_min , size_out ) .


Create a new raw array using thread_alloc memory allocator (works well in a multi-threading environment) and call default constructor for each element.


The type of the elements of the array.


This argument has prototype

size_t size_min

This is the minimum number of elements that there can be in the resulting array .


This argument has prototype

size_t& size_out

The input value of this argument does not matter. Upon return, it is the actual number of elements in array ( size_min <= size_out ).


The return value array has prototype

Type * array

It is array with size_out elements. The default constructor for Type is used to initialize the elements of array . Note that delete_array should be used to destroy the array when it is no longer needed.


The amount of memory inuse by the current thread, will increase delta where

sizeof ( Type ) * ( size_out + 1) > delta >= sizeof ( Type ) * size_out

The available memory will decrease by delta , (and the allocation will be faster) if a previous allocation with size_min between its current value and size_out is available.


We call a memory allocation aligned if the address is a multiple of the number of bytes in a size_t value. If the system new allocator is aligned, then array pointer is also aligned.

