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User Atomic Matrix Multiply: Example and Test

See Also


Class Definition

This example uses the file atomic_three_mat_mul.hpp which defines matrix multiply as a atomic_three operation.

Use Atomic Function

# include <cppad/cppad.hpp>
# include <cppad/example/atomic_three/mat_mul.hpp>

bool mat_mul(void)
{  bool ok = true;
   using CppAD::AD;
   using CppAD::vector;
   size_t i, j;


   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   // object that multiplies  2 x 2  matrices
   atomic_mat_mul afun;


   // start recording with four independent varables
   size_t n = 4;
   vector<double> x(n);
   vector< AD<double> > ax(n);
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
      ax[j] = x[j] = double(j + 1);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
   size_t nr_left   = 2;
   size_t n_middle  = 2;
   size_t nc_right  = 2;
   vector< AD<double> > atom_x(3 + (nr_left + nc_right) * n_middle );

   // matrix dimensions
   atom_x[0] = AD<double>( nr_left );
   atom_x[1] = AD<double>( n_middle );
   atom_x[2] = AD<double>( nc_right );

   // left matrix
   atom_x[3] = ax[0];  // left[0, 0] = x0
   atom_x[4] = ax[1];  // left[0, 1] = x1
   atom_x[5] = 5.;     // left[1, 0] = 5
   atom_x[6] = 6.;     // left[1, 1] = 6

   // right matix
   atom_x[7] = ax[2];  // right[0, 0] = x2
   atom_x[8] = 7.;     // right[0, 1] = 7
   atom_x[9] = ax[3];  // right[1, 0] = x3
   atom_x[10] = 8.;     // right[1, 1] = 8
   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
   [ x0 , x1 ] * [ x2 , 7 ] = [ x0*x2 + x1*x3 , x0*7 + x1*8 ]
   [ 5  , 6  ]   [ x3 , 8 ]   [  5*x2 +  6*x3 ,  5*7 +  6*8 ]
   vector< AD<double> > atom_y(nr_left * nc_right);
   afun(atom_x, atom_y);

   ok &= (atom_y[0] == x[0]*x[2] + x[1]*x[3]) & Variable(atom_y[0]);
   ok &= (atom_y[1] == x[0]*7.   + x[1]*8.  ) & Variable(atom_y[1]);
   ok &= (atom_y[2] ==   5.*x[2] +   6.*x[3]) & Variable(atom_y[2]);
   ok &= (atom_y[3] ==   5.*7.   +   6.*8.  ) & Parameter(atom_y[3]);

   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
   // define the function g : x -> atom_y
   // g(x) = [ x0*x2 + x1*x3 , x0*7 + x1*8 , 5*x2  + 6*x3  , 5*7 + 6*8 ]^T
   CppAD::ADFun<double> g(ax, atom_y);


   // Test zero order forward mode evaluation of g(x)
   size_t m = atom_y.size();
   vector<double> y(m);
   for(j = 0; j <  n; j++)
      x[j] = double(j + 2);
   y = g.Forward(0, x);
   ok &= y[0] == x[0] * x[2] + x[1] * x[3];
   ok &= y[1] == x[0] * 7.   + x[1] * 8.;
   ok &= y[2] == 5. * x[2]   + 6. * x[3];
   ok &= y[3] == 5. * 7.     + 6. * 8.;

   // Test first order forward mode evaluation of g'(x) * [1, 2, 3, 4]^T
   // g'(x) = [ x2, x3, x0, x1 ]
   //         [ 7 ,  8,  0, 0  ]
   //         [ 0 ,  0,  5, 6  ]
   //         [ 0 ,  0,  0, 0  ]
   CppAD::vector<double> dx(n), dy(m);
   for(j = 0; j <  n; j++)
      dx[j] = double(j + 1);
   dy = g.Forward(1, dx);
   ok &= dy[0] == 1. * x[2] + 2. * x[3] + 3. * x[0] + 4. * x[1];
   ok &= dy[1] == 1. * 7.   + 2. * 8.   + 3. * 0.   + 4. * 0.;
   ok &= dy[2] == 1. * 0.   + 2. * 0.   + 3. * 5.   + 4. * 6.;
   ok &= dy[3] == 1. * 0.   + 2. * 0.   + 3. * 0.   + 4. * 0.;

   // Test second order forward mode
   // g_0^2 (x) = [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], g_0^2 (x) * [1] = [3]
   //             [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]              [2]   [4]
   //             [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]              [3]   [1]
   //             [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]              [4]   [2]
   CppAD::vector<double> ddx(n), ddy(m);
   for(j = 0; j <  n; j++)
      ddx[j] = 0.;
   ddy = g.Forward(2, ddx);

   // [1, 2, 3, 4] * g_0^2 (x) * [1, 2, 3, 4]^T = 1*3 + 2*4 + 3*1 + 4*2
   ok &= 2. * ddy[0] == 1. * 3. + 2. * 4. + 3. * 1. + 4. * 2.;

   // for i > 0, [1, 2, 3, 4] * g_i^2 (x) * [1, 2, 3, 4]^T = 0
   ok &= ddy[1] == 0.;
   ok &= ddy[2] == 0.;
   ok &= ddy[3] == 0.;


   // Test second order reverse mode
   CppAD::vector<double> w(m), dw(2 * n);
   for(i = 0; i < m; i++)
      w[i] = 0.;
   w[0] = 1.;
   dw = g.Reverse(2, w);

   // g_0'(x) = [ x2, x3, x0, x1 ]
   ok &= dw[0*2 + 0] == x[2];
   ok &= dw[1*2 + 0] == x[3];
   ok &= dw[2*2 + 0] == x[0];
   ok &= dw[3*2 + 0] == x[1];

   // g_0'(x)   * [1, 2, 3, 4]  = 1 * x2 + 2 * x3 + 3 * x0 + 4 * x1
   // g_0^2 (x) * [1, 2, 3, 4]  = [3, 4, 1, 2]
   ok &= dw[0*2 + 1] == 3.;
   ok &= dw[1*2 + 1] == 4.;
   ok &= dw[2*2 + 1] == 1.;
   ok &= dw[3*2 + 1] == 2.;


   // sparsity pattern for the Jacobian
   // g'(x) = [ x2, x3, x0, x1  ]
   //         [  7,  8,  0,  0  ]
   //         [  0,  0,  5,  6  ]
   //         [  0,  0,  0,  0  ]
   CppAD::sparse_rc< CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t) > pattern_in, pattern_out;
   bool transpose     = false;
   bool dependency    = false;
   bool internal_bool = false;
   // test both forward and reverse mode
   for(size_t forward_mode = 0; forward_mode <= 1; ++forward_mode)
   {  if( bool(forward_mode) )
      {  pattern_in.resize(n, n, n);
         for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
            pattern_in.set(j, j, j);
            pattern_in, transpose, dependency, internal_bool, pattern_out
      {  pattern_in.resize(m, m, m);
         for(i = 0; i < m; ++i)
            pattern_in.set(i, i, i);
            pattern_in, transpose, dependency, internal_bool, pattern_out
      const CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t)& row = pattern_out.row();
      const CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t)& col = pattern_out.col();
      CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t) row_major  = pattern_out.row_major();
      size_t k = 0;
      for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
      {  ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 0; // (0, j)
         ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == j;
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 1; // (1, 0)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 0; //
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 1; // (1, 1)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 1; //
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 2; // (2, 2)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 2; //
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 2; // (2, 3)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 3; //
      ok &= pattern_out.nnz() == k;


   /* Hessian sparsity pattern
   g_0^2 (x) = [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ] and for i > 0, g_i^2 = 0
            [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
            [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ]
            [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ]
   CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(bool) select_x(n), select_y(m);
   for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
      select_x[j] = true;
   for(i = 0; i < m; ++i)
      select_y[i] = true;
   for(size_t forward_mode = 0; forward_mode <= 1; ++forward_mode)
   {  if( bool(forward_mode) )
      {  g.for_hes_sparsity(
            select_y, select_x, internal_bool, pattern_out
      {  // results for for_jac_sparsity are stored in g
            select_y, transpose, internal_bool, pattern_out
      const CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t)& row = pattern_out.row();
      const CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t)& col = pattern_out.col();
      CPPAD_TESTVECTOR(size_t) row_major  = pattern_out.row_major();
      size_t k = 0;
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 0; // (0, 2)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 2;
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 1; // (1, 3)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 3;
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 2; // (2, 0)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 0;
      ok &= row[ row_major[k] ] == 3; // (3, 1)
      ok &= col[ row_major[k] ] == 1;
      ok &= pattern_out.nnz() == k;

   return ok;