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Setup thread_alloc For Use in Multi-Threading Environment


thread_alloc::parallel_setup ( num_threads , in_parallel , thread_num )


By default there is only one thread and all execution is in sequential mode, i.e., multiple threads are not sharing the same memory; i.e. not in parallel mode.


It should be faster, even when num_thread is equal to one, for thread_alloc to hold onto memory. This can be accomplished using the function call

thread_alloc::hold_memory ( true )

see hold_memory .


This argument has prototype

size_t num_threads

and must be greater than zero. It specifies the number of threads that are sharing memory. The case num_threads == 1 is a special case that is used to terminate a multi-threading environment.


This function has prototype

bool in_parallel ( void )

It must return true if there is more than one thread currently executing. Otherwise it can return false.

In the special case where num_threads == 1 , the routine in_parallel is not used.


This function has prototype

size_t thread_num ( void )

It must return a thread number that uniquely identifies the currently executing thread. Furthermore

0 <= thread_num () < num_threads

. In the special case where num_threads == 1 , the routine thread_num is not used.

Note that this function is called by other routines so, as soon as a new thread is executing, one must be certain that thread_num () will work for that thread.


The function parallel_setup must be called before the program enters parallel execution mode. In addition, this function cannot be called while in parallel mode.


The files openmp_get_started.cpp , bthread_get_started.cpp , and pthread_get_started.cpp , contain examples and tests that use this function.