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Timing Test for Multi-Threaded atomic_two Calculation


ok = multi_atomic_two_time (
      time_out , test_time , num_threads , num_solve


It is assumed that this function is called by thread zero in sequential mode; i.e., not in_parallel .


This argument has prototype

double& time_out

Its input value of the argument does not matter. Upon return it is the number of wall clock seconds used by multi_atomic_two_run .


This argument has prototype

double test_time

and is the minimum amount of wall clock time that the test should take. The number of repeats for the test will be increased until this time is reached. The reported time_out is the total wall clock time divided by the number of repeats.


This argument has prototype

size_t num_threads

It specifies the number of threads that are available for this test. If it is zero, the test is run without the multi-threading environment and

1 == thread_alloc::num_threads ()

If it is non-zero, the test is run with the multi-threading and

num_threads = thread_alloc::num_threads ()


This specifies the number of square roots that will be solved for.


The return value has prototype

bool ok

If it is true, harmonic_time passed the correctness test and multi_atomic_two_time did not detect an error. Otherwise it is false.