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Including Ipopt Library Examples, Tests, and pkg-config

Examples and Tests

If include_ipopt is on the cmake command line, you will be able to run the Ipopt examples and tests.


If include_ipopt=true is on the cmake command line, then the pkg-config will find the necessary information to link in ipopt. The value of PKG_CONFIG_PATH must be such that the command

pkg-config ipopt --path --print-errors

finds the location of the file ipopt.pc .

Deprecated Library

If include_ipopt=true is on the cmake command line, the deprecated cppad_ipopt_nlp example and tests as well as installing the cppad_ipopt library during the make install step.


If you are using Unix, you can download and install a copy of Ipopt using get_ipopt.sh . The corresponding install prefix is build/prefix .

Include Directories

It may be necessary to remove /coin-or from the end of the include directories reported by

pkg-config ipopt --cflags