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cppadcg Speed: Gradient of Determinant by Minor Expansion


See link_det_minor .


If this is one, the Jacobian of the determinant is the function passed to CppADCodeGen. In this case, the code_gen_fun function is used to calculate the Jacobian of the determinant. Otherwise, this flag is zero and the determinant function is passed to CppADCodeGen. In this case, the code_gen_fun jacobian is used to calculate the Jacobian of the determinant.



# include <cppad/speed/det_by_minor.hpp>
# include <cppad/speed/uniform_01.hpp>
# include <cppad/utility/vector.hpp>
# include <cppad/example/code_gen_fun.hpp>

# include <map>
extern std::map<std::string, bool> global_option;

namespace {
   // typedefs
   typedef CppAD::cg::CG<double>     c_double;
   typedef CppAD::AD<c_double>      ac_double;
   typedef CppAD::vector<double>     d_vector;
   typedef CppAD::vector<ac_double> ac_vector;
   // setup
   void setup(
      // inputs
      size_t size     ,
      // outputs
      code_gen_fun& fun )
   {  // optimization options
      std::string optimize_options =
         "no_conditional_skip no_compare_op no_print_for_op";
      // object for computing determinant
      CppAD::det_by_minor<ac_double>   ac_det(size);
      // number of independent variables
      size_t nx = size * size;
      // choose a matrix
      CppAD::vector<double> matrix(nx);
      CppAD::uniform_01(nx, matrix);
      // copy to independent variables
      ac_vector   ac_A(nx);
      for(size_t j = 0; j < nx; ++j)
         ac_A[j] = matrix[j];
      // declare independent variables for function computation
      bool record_compare   = false;
      size_t abort_op_index = 0;
      CppAD::Independent(ac_A, abort_op_index, record_compare);
      // AD computation of the determinant
      ac_vector ac_detA(1);
      ac_detA[0] = ac_det(ac_A);
      // create function objects for f : A -> detA
      CppAD::ADFun<c_double>            c_f;
      c_f.Dependent(ac_A, ac_detA);
      if( global_option["optimize"] )
      // f(x) is the determinant function
      code_gen_fun::evaluation_enum eval_jac = code_gen_fun::dense_enum;
      code_gen_fun f_tmp("det_minor", c_f, eval_jac);
# else
      CppAD::ADFun<ac_double, c_double> ac_f;
      ac_f = c_f.base2ad();
      // declare independent variables for gradient computation
      CppAD::Independent(ac_A, abort_op_index, record_compare);
      // vectors of reverse mode weights
      CppAD::vector<ac_double> ac_w(1);
      ac_w[0] = ac_double(1.0);
      // AD computation of the gradient
      ac_vector ac_gradient(nx);
      ac_f.Forward(0, ac_A);
      ac_gradient = ac_f.Reverse(1, ac_w);
      // create function objects for g : A -> det'( detA  )
      CppAD::ADFun<c_double> c_g;
      c_g.Dependent(ac_A, ac_gradient);
      if( global_option["optimize"] )
      // g(x) is the Jacobian of the determinant
      code_gen_fun g_tmp("det_minor", c_g);
# endif

bool link_det_minor(
   const std::string&         job      ,
   size_t                     size     ,
   size_t                     repeat   ,
   CppAD::vector<double>     &matrix   ,
   CppAD::vector<double>     &gradient )
{  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( matrix.size() == size * size );
   CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( gradient.size() == size * size );
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   // check global options
   const char* valid[] = { "onetape", "optimize"};
   size_t n_valid = sizeof(valid) / sizeof(valid[0]);
   typedef std::map<std::string, bool>::iterator iterator;
   for(iterator itr=global_option.begin(); itr!=global_option.end(); ++itr)
   {  if( itr->second )
      {  bool ok = false;
         for(size_t i = 0; i < n_valid; i++)
            ok |= itr->first == valid[i];
         if( ! ok )
            return false;
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
   // function object mapping matrix to gradient of determinant
   static code_gen_fun static_fun;
   // size corresponding static_fun
   static size_t static_size = 0;
   // number of independent variables
   size_t nx = size * size;
   // onetape
   bool onetape = global_option["onetape"];
   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   if( job == "setup" )
   {  if( onetape )
      {  setup(size, static_fun);
         static_size = size;
      {  static_size = 0;
      return true;
   if( job ==  "teardown" )
   {  code_gen_fun fun;
      return true;
   // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
   CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( job == "run" );
   if( onetape ) while(repeat--)
   {  // use if before assert to vaoid warning that static_size is not used
      if( size != static_size )
      {  CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( size == static_size );

      // get next matrix
      CppAD::uniform_01(nx, matrix);

      // evaluate the gradient
      gradient = static_fun(matrix);
# else
      gradient = static_fun.jacobian(matrix);
# endif
   else while(repeat--)
   {  setup(size, static_fun);
      static_size = size;

      // get next matrix
      CppAD::uniform_01(nx, matrix);

      // evaluate the gradient
      gradient = static_fun(matrix);
# else
      gradient = static_fun.jacobian(matrix);
# endif
   return true;