lines 5-228 of file: user_guide.xrst {xrst_begin user_guide} {xrst_spell autodiff github org posix templated } {xrst_comment BEGIN: Before changing see and} cppad-20240512: CppAD User's Manual ################################### .. image:: {xrst_dir coin.png} .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - `release-20240000.4 `_ - `documentation-20240000 `_ - `other releases `_ - `github `_ - `cppad.spec `_ {xrst_comment END: Before changing see and} .. list-table:: :widths: auto * - :ref:`install-name` - :ref:`get_started` - :ref:`whats_new-name` - :ref:`addon-name` - :ref:`research-name` - `project manager `_ CppAD is distributed by `COIN-OR `_ with the Eclipse Public License `EPL-2.0 `_ or the GNU General Public License `GPL-2.0 `_ or later. Algorithmic Differentiation *************************** We refer to the automatic creation of an algorithm that computes derivative values from an algorithm that computes function values as *Algorithmic Differentiation* , also referred to as *Automatic Differentiation* or just AD. A brief introduction to AD can be found in `wikipedia `_. The web site ` `_ is dedicated to research about, and promoting the use of, AD. Features ******** Operator Overloading ==================== CppAD uses operator overloading of the C++ template class :ref:`AD-name` to compute derivatives of algorithms defined using AD objects; see the :ref:`introduction-name` for a description of how this is accomplished. Base Type ========= The operator overloading uses a templated base type that can be user defined; see :ref:`base_require-name` . The required definitions for ``AD`` and ``AD`` are included as part of CppAD. Recording Operations ==================== A sequence of ``AD`` < *Base* > :ref:`operations` can be recorded and stored in an :ref:`AD function object` . This object can then be used to evaluate function values and arbitrary order derivatives, and sparsity patterns of derivative values using the *Base* type. Multi-Threading =============== CppAD supports an arbitrary :ref:`multi threading` environment. Examples are provided using Boost threads, Posix threads, and Openmp threads. Optimizing Operations Sequences =============================== During the recording of a function, the :ref:`Independent-name` variables are know and a forward dependency analysis is used to determine which operations should be recorded. Once the :ref:`Dependent-name` variables are determined, a reverse dependency analysis can be preformed. This :ref:`optimize-name` routine uses a reverse dependency analysis, and other techniques, to remove unnecessary operations. Dynamic Parameters ================== CppAD enables one to specify a vector of :ref:`glossary@Parameter@Dynamic` parameters. The value of the function and derivatives can depend on these parameters, but no derivatives are taken with respect to these parameters. This enables CppAD to reduce the derivative calculations; e.g., the derivative of variable times a variable has two terms while a variable times a parameter only has one. Derivative Calculations ======================= Arbitrary order :ref:`Forward-name` and :ref:`Reverse-name` mode derivative calculations can be preformed using an ``ADFun`` object. Easy to user drivers that compute the entire :ref:`Jacobian-name` and a specific :ref:`Hessian-name` are included. Sparsity ======== Both forward and reverse mode can be used to calculation the sparsity pattern for Jacobians and Hessians; see :ref:`sparsity_pattern-name` . Where a Jacobian or Hessian is sparse, both forward and reverse mode can be combined with the sparsity pattern to speed up the calculation of :ref:`sparse derivatives` . In addition, a :ref:`subgraph` method, that does not require a sparsity pattern, can be used to speed up these derivative calculations. Recording Derivative Operations =============================== A ``ADFun`` object can be converted into an object that evaluates derivatives using the type ``AD`` < *Base* > ; see :ref:`base2ad-name` . This enables one to record new functions that are expressed using derivatives of other functions. Atomic Functions ================ User defined derivative calculations for arbitrary functions can also be included in a recording using :ref:`atomic functions` . A special :ref:`checkpoint` class is included which allows one to record a function and reuse it as an atomic operation in other functions. There also is a special interface for user defined unary :ref:`discrete functions` ; i.e., functions that depend on the :ref:`independent variables` but which have identically zero derivatives (e.g., a step function). Logical Comparisons =================== Logical comparisons can be included in an operation sequence using AD :ref:`conditional expressions` . Vectors ======= The CppAD API allows one to use any :ref:`SimpleVector-name` class. The preprocessor symbol :ref:`CPPAD_TESTVECTOR` is template vector class which is used for correctness testing. Many of the correctness tests use this template vector class which you can choose during the :ref:`cmake-name` configuration command. Software Engineering ******************** CppAD is developed using the software engineering procedures described on the project manager's `software `_ web page. Testing ******* Correctness =========== There is an extensive set of correctness tests; see :ref:`cmake_check-name` . Speed ===== A set of programs for doing :ref:`speed-name` comparisons between `Adolc `_, CppAD, `Fadbad `_, and `Sacado `_ are included. Utilities ********* CppAD includes a set of C++ :ref:`utilities` that are useful for general operator overloaded numerical methods. Release Notes ************* This :ref:`whats_new-name` for a list of recent extensions and bug fixes. Example ******* The file :ref:`get_started.cpp-name` contains an example and test of using CppAD to compute the derivative of a polynomial. There are many other :ref:`examples` . All of the examples are also correctness tests, which ensures that they work properly. Contents ******** {xrst_toc_table xrst/install/install.xrst xrst/theory/theory.xrst include/cppad/core/user_ad.hpp include/cppad/core/ad_fun.hpp xrst/preprocessor.xrst xrst/multi_thread.xrst include/cppad/utility/xrst/utility.xrst include/cppad/ipopt/solve.hpp xrst/example.xrst speed/speed.xrst } {xrst_end user_guide}